According to the list of foreign threats, can Canada's democracy really come under threat from India?

Canada government, India, Bharat, foreign threat list,

Canada government said, India is the second biggest threat to our democracy

Hello Everyone, For the last few years, relations between India and Canada have been in the news because relations between India and Canada are deteriorating. The reason behind this is Canada's strange statement. The biggest reason is giving shelter to Khalistani separatists and supporting the movement of Khalistani separatists.

But let us tell you that the relations between India and Canada were not so bad earlier, but for the last few years, there have been problems in the relations between India and Canada due to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. To save his vote bank, he has started giving more protection to Khalistani separatists, due to which relations with India are getting worse.

What is the Canada Foreign Threat List?

Foreign threats list, Canada releases it every year and in this list it is mentioned which country is a threat to Canada or a matter of concern for Canada's democracy.

Although China and Russia used to be first in this list, but this time the list that has been released is being discussed a lot. Because in one list India has been placed at number two and Russia has been removed from the second position and brought to the third position.

But by doing all this, Canada is increasing its worries because I don't think any country can be threatened by India, that too so many kilometers away. Although Canada has always made objectionable comments on India, but India has not responded to it. If this continues, then the relationship between India and Canada can deteriorate a lot and all trade can be affected.

Why is Canada doing all this regarding India?

The foreign threat list that Canada has just released has been released by the Parliamentary Committee of Canada itself. If any other institution had released this list, it could have been ignored, but it has been released directly from the Parliament of Canada, which is quite condemnable.

The committee in Canada that has made this list is named Canada's National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentary and Justin Trudeau is trying to depend on it.

And the whole matter ends with Justin Trudeau because his maximum vote bank is of Khalistani supporters and there was a case in which India was accused of having a hand in it.

But this case could not be proved, after which Canada itself said that we had said it just like that so that India does not do anything like this in future. There have been many other such cases in Canada where Khalistani supporters who protested against India were eliminated.

Since then Justin Trudeau has been taking a stand in favor of Khalistani supporters. Because he knows that if he speaks in their support, his vote bank will support him. Due to which he will remain in his government. And in the pursuit of power, they have spoiled their best relations with India.

Recently another news came from Canada that on 6th June Indian flags were burnt in Canada and along with that Russian flags were also burnt and the people who did all this were none other than Khalistani supporters. Canada should stop this as soon as possible otherwise it will harm Canada before India.

The main reason for burning Indian flags is 6th June because on 6th June Operation Blue Star was carried out in India in which some unknown people were entering the Golden Temple and Indira Gandhi sent Indian soldiers inside and animated that unknown person due to which a lot of anger spread among the people of Sikh community and this is the reason why India is facing its anger till date.

How can relations between India and Canada improve?

To improve relations between India and Canada, I don't think India needs to do anything because India is already trying to build good relations with all countries but Canada needs to pay more attention to this

Because for the sake of a few votes, Canada is sheltering some people who only hate people. Although at present, this may benefit Canada, but in the coming time, it will only harm Canada.

I have put forward some points, if Canada pays attention to this, then it is possible that the relations between India and Canada may improve in the coming days.

1. First of all, Canada should ensure that there are no protests against India in any way because if protests against India continue in Canada, then the people of India will stop going to Canada or Indians will also start hating Canada.

2. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau should not spread hatred against India in his statement and should not speak ill of India because the Prime Minister of Canada has always stood in support of Khalistani supporters.

3. Canada keeps releasing lists to provoke India. Canada should not do all this. This has only created hatred towards Canada in India.

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