With the idea of ​​an insect the whole world is moving towards becoming plastic free

GLOBAL NEWS,Dr Federica Bertocchini,Dr. Krish Lemoine,wax worms,plastic bag,

Is the world going to run out of plastic waste? Can this world be freed from cancer like plastic? Because an incident has come to light which has shocked many scientists. Now to know what he looked like, read this article completely so that you can understand it easily.

Actually, Dr Federica Bertocchini, who is a biologist, tells that when she used to keep bees, she saw these whips in the beehive. According to him, beekeepers consider this worm as a plague.

When he saw these worms in his bee hive, he caught them and kept them in a plastic bag and what happened next surprised everyone.

Because all of them were wax worms. And these worms had come out after eating the plastic bag. Dr Federica Bertocchini tells that as soon as the mouth of this worm touched the plastic bag, the plastic bag started getting spoiled.

After this they thought that maybe there is something in its mouth which can melt plastic. So they started collecting the larvae coming out of his mouth. And research revealed that the fluids coming out of the mouth. It contains two enzymes. Whose names are Demeter and Ceres.

When insects eat plastic, their digestive system works in the same way as it does for other food. And because of these two enzymes, insects are able to digest plastic.

When Dr. Federica Bertocchini told all these incidents to the people, Dr. Krish Lemoine was greatly impressed by this and he started doing research on these insects in a better way. And they are trying to find out how the digestive system of insects works.

Because according to Dr. Krish Lemoine, this is a billion trillion dollar question. If they are successful in finding out, then millions of tons of plastic can be destroyed.

But why is this plastic so difficult to break?

So the real name of plastic is not plastic but polymer and the words we use like plastic or polythene are made by modifying the polymer itself.

Our nature does not want to destroy plastic because plastic is made of polymers with strong bonds and long strands.

When plastic was discovered, it proved to be a revolution for people, but now plastic is becoming a headache for humans, animals, even small creatures.

And with the help of what has recently been found in the larvae of wax worm, the bonds of this plastic can be broken. And this is what they are doing also.

So after complete research it was found that the real heroes in destroying plastic are these two enzymes. If researchers find a way to increase this enzyme, it could eliminate plastic waste in the future.

But there is another question whether this enzyme is found only in this insect. So no, more than 30000 such enzymes have been discovered which can digest 10 types of plastics. 

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